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Employer Sponsored Visas

1. Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (subclass 487)
From March 2018, the 482 visa was replaced by the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa. The TSS visa is a temporary visa which permits the holder to live in Australia, while working full-time for the sponsoring employer, in the nominated position. Applicants for a TSS visa may include dependent family members in their application. It is designed to fill gaps in Australia Labour Market. They are three streams in this Visa:

• Short Term Stream- Applicants with occupations on the Short-Term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) are eligible for visas of up to two years (renewable once, for a further two years)

• Medium to long-term stream- Applicants with occupations on the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) can apply for up to four years (with eligibility for permanent residency after three years, depending on meeting age and English requirements)

• Regional Stream- Applicants with occupations on the Regional Occupation List (ROL) can apply for up to four years (with eligibility for permanent residency after three years, depending on meeting age and English requirements)

2. Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa (subclass 186)
This is a permanent Australian visa that is sponsored by an Employer. It requires a skills assessment by the relevant Australian authority and three years’ work experience plus relevant registration or licensing unless exempt. Your occupation must be on the list of eligible skilled occupations. You must be paid at least the same as an Australian in the same occupation in the same location. You must also Meet
the English language requirements.

3. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa (subclass 187)
This is a permanent Australian visa that is sponsored by a regional Employer. You must have a related Australian or overseas equivalent qualification or be exempt Overseas qualified trades worker. You will need to have their skills assessed by Trades Recognition Australia.
Your occupation must meet the required ANZSCO skill level. You must be paid at least the same as an Australian in the same occupation in the same location

4. Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist)
This visa is for people who want to travel to Australia to do short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work or participate in an activity or work relating to Australia’s interests. ​ You must have a specialist Skills, Knowledge or experience that is needed but cannot be found in
Australia. The stay period allowed is up to three months but up to six months may be considered in limited circumstances if supported by a strong business case

5. Temporary Activity
The Temporary Activity visa allows people to temporarily live and/or work in Australia in a field associated with a major event. The applicant must be supported or sponsored by an approved individual or organisation and have the skills to undertake the activity to be carried out in Australia. This visa can be granted for 3 months if invited by an organisation to participate in a specific event, for 4 years if participating in Australian government activities or 2 years for all other activities.

The activities for Temporary Activity visa are:
• Entertainment Activity
• Invited Events Participants
• Religious Worker
• Special Program
• Sport competitions and Training programs
• Australian research project
• staff exchange arrangement
• Superyacht Crew
• Domestic Worker (Executive)
• Australian Government Endorsed Event

6. Training Visa
This Visa allows a person who want to improve their occupational skills through participation in training in Australia with an Australian organisation. It’s includes a structured workplace training programme tailored to enhance the existing skills of the visa applicant in an eligible
occupation The applicants must be sponsored by an organisation who is either an approved temporary activity sponsor or has applied to be a temporary activities sponsor. Occupational training must be provided directly by the sponsor unless an exemption exists The application process comprises three stages; sponsorship, nomination and visa application.

7. Australia Working Holiday Visa
This visa gives Australia Working Holiday Visa Holders rights to work to supplement their travels. This visa is Valid for 12 months. The holders of Australian working Holiday Visa can work up to six months with each Employer. The study of up to four months is allowed. You may be eligible for a second Australia working Holiday visa if you have completed three months of specified work in Regional Australia while holding First Australia working Holiday Visa.

Basic Requirements:
– You must be between 18 and 30 years old.
– You must have a valid passport from one of the eligible countries
– You must have sufficient funds to support yourself when you arrive in Australia
– You must meet the relevant health and character requirements